The lab participated in ShutDownSTEM and other anti-racism protests.
Author: Katie Pollard
MAY 2020
Katie gave a Gladstone Newton Series Webinar about exploring human microbes through big data.
May 2020
Katie is co-author on an op/ed piece in the SF Chronicle about the impacts of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on scientists without childcare and schools.
APRIL 2020
Read about data science efforts at Gladstone!
APRIL 2020
Kathleen Keough did an evolutionary analysis that predicts a broad host range of SARS-COV-2 across vertebrates, suggesting humans could infect endangered species and domesticated animals. Read the pre-print.
MARCH 2020
We’re very proud of the work Alex Pico and colleagues are doing to develop network based data resources for COVID-19 research. Read about it here.
MARCH 2020
Read about our lab’s contributions to team science to elucidate causes of heart disease.
Winter 2020
Katie was selected as a Fellow of the International Society for Computational Biology recognizing the lab’s outstanding contributions to the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics! Read the story here.
MARCH 2020
On March 5, 2020, Katie will be speaking at an Exploratorium After Dark event BioFutures: Exploring Human Microbes Through Big Data. Detail and tickets here.
We are excited to start work on a new program project grant on 3D genome folding and epigenetics in cardiac developmental gene regulatory networks.
FALL 2019
Katie Pollard is the new director of the UCSF Bioinformatics Graduate Program. Read the story.
Happy 40th Anniversary Gladstone! Katie was proud to speak about “Design for Inference” at our celebratory symposium.
Congratulations to the lab on publishing our 20th paper this year! Let’s keep up the amazing work.
We are founding members of the new UCSF Benioff Center for Microbiome Medicine. Read more about the mission in this story.
Our assembly and comparative genomics analysis of the Komodo dragon genome revealed positive selection and gene family expansions associated with this lizard’s amazing traits. Check out the paper, story, and New York Times coverage.
JULY 2019
JULY 2019
We published a manuscript about sequencing the Komodo dragon genome and using comparative genomics to understand the genetic basis of this species’ unique traits. Check out the story.
JULY 2019
We are organizing a Microbiome Symposium at the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub on September 30, 2019.