BMI206: Statistical Methods
Free Training Courses
- UC Berkeley DLab
Gladstone Workshops (also in person on campus)
The UC Berkeley Data Science 100 introductory course.
UCSF Wynton Cluster
- /wynton/group/databases
Online Resources
These tutorials and other websites may help you to configure your laptop for the activities in the course and to brush up your programming and data analytical skills.
- Introduction to resources for using the R programming language.
RStudio is a fantastic IDE for R. Some selling points: code completion, variable explorer, graphics window, help function viewer.
Performing statistical analyses in R.
Tutorials for statistical genetics in R.
Vector memory errors
- Google introductory course on Python
Computer Science Online Python for Programmers
Writing python like poetry
- Tutorials for the user interface
How to automate Cytoscape via R or Python
RCy3 paper
Presentations on how to use Cytoscape
Ten simple rules for making network figures
Published Cytoscape networks
- NEArender paper
Pathway Commons
- Tutorial on supervised learning
Machine learning in R
A machine learning primer
Pitfalls of applying machine learning in genomics.
The problem of imbalanced classes
Documentation for scikit-learn
Building autoencoders with keras tutorial
TensorFlow playground
A quick introduction
Introduction to statistical learning
Paul G. Allen School lectures
Feature engineering and vizualization
A primer on deep learning in genomics
A list of deep learning implementations for biology
- BioC epigenomics course
These books are available free online:
- Modern Statistics for Modern Biology
Safari books(the programming books with animals on the cover; provided free through UC System). There are multiple books on R and Python, though some are too specialized for the purposes of this class.