BMI206: Statistical Methods


Statistical Analysis Labs

Labs will be introduced on Tuesdays. In-class work is on Thursdays, and the remainder of the lab is homework due Friday.

Work on labs asynchronously, collaboration encouraged.

Turn in your write up of each lab by midnight Friday by email to Prof. Pollard and the TAs.

Due Date Topic Files To Prepare
Oct 17 Linear models for quantitative genetics files
Download and review files
Install the most current version of R on your laptop and get familiar with it
Install Jupyter including installing R essentials (details in tutorial)
Oct 24 Genomic enrichment analysis files
Download and review files
Read and run through the regioneR vignette
Nov 7 Exploratory data analysis files
Slides-Exploratory Data Analysis
Ch7: EDA from R for Data Science
EDA: data visualization or torture?
Download and review files
Nov 21 Networks and Cytoscape files
Download and review files
Install the most current version of Cytoscape on your laptop and get familiar with it
Install the Cytoscape app BiNGO
Install the R packages plyr, RColorBrewer, and ggplot2
Dec 5 Visualizing single-cell data files
Download and review files
Install the R packages Rtsne and Matrix